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Grassroots Movement To Cancel "Big Love"

Big Love

An email has begun appearing in the inboxes of Latter-day Saints all over the world. Its purpose, to persuade the recipient to email or call HBO and request that HBO's new show about a polygamist and his family, called "Big Love", be cancelled.

The series, which is set in suburban Salt Lake City, depicts polygamist Bill Hendrickson (Bill Paxton - "Apollo 13", "Twister") and his family of three wives, (Jeanne Tripplehorn - "Waterworld", "The Firm"; Chloe Sevigny - "Boys Don't Cry", "Dogville"; and Ginnifer Goodwin - "Mona Lisa Smile", "Walk the Line") and seven children, and the challenge they face trying to practice their lifestyle. HBO has aired 3 shows so far.

The email explains that "Big Love" parodies the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including belief in the Priesthood and in personal revelation. The email continues:

Talk of "celestial kingdom", "free agency", and the "Choose the Right" slogan are included. There is a brief disclaimer stating that the polygamists don't have an active connection with the LDS Church. But if the writers don't intend for viewers to make the connection, one wonders why they set the show in Salt Lake City, the Church's world headquarters, and why they included distortions of LDS beliefs.

Recipients are asked to forward the email on to at least 8 people and to email a protest to HBO, providing the following text as an example:

I am offended that you would produce the series "Big Love". It demeans and distorts sacred beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By setting the show in Salt Lake City, it blurs the line between the Church and the long renounced practice of polygamy. Additionally, it is morally reprehensible to showcase an abusive family situation as entertainment. Please cancel "Big Love" immediately.

Polygamy was officially discontinued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1890. However there is still lingering confusion among people who are not LDS about the Church's current position regarding polygamy.

Note from Latter-Day Mac: When Latter-Day Mac first reported this story, readers were encouraged to participate in the "Big Love" email campaign by contacting HBO to complain. In retrospect, Latter-Day Mac now regrets having called for participation without encouraging readers to become more educated about the issues involved. Once educated, readers would then be able to make an informed choice whether to participate in this email campaign. Latter-Day Mac's position now is that if all Latter-day Saints will simply be friendly neighbors and good examples, greater good will come than would result from an email campaign against HBO. Our change in position on this issue should NOT be interpreted as an endorsement of HBO's "Big Love".

If you have not seen "Big Love" Latter-Day Mac encourages you to become more educated about the show before deciding to participate in any call to have it cancelled. Watch the show on HBO and listen to Podcasts of interviews with members of the "Big Love" cast that are available for free at the iTunes Store. Click here to go to the iTunes Podcasts for "Big Love". Above all, don't surrender your right to decide for yourself to someone else.

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